
Highest defense armor dark souls 3
Highest defense armor dark souls 3

highest defense armor dark souls 3 highest defense armor dark souls 3

  • unbalanced average ( -balanced 0): use normal averages, weaknesses of a set are less likely to penalize the setĪ versatile build probably needs -balanced 1.
  • balanced average ( -balanced 1, the default): use harmonic averages, in order to penalize sets with a specific weakness.
  • It is also possible to give priority to poise, then absorption (with the weighting that you specidied) by using -p 1. So, if you want to specify that magic damage should be accounted for 30% of its value against physical damage, you specify -m 0.3. The default phyisical damage weights are 0.25 add up to 1, while the default elemental damage weights are 0. vs_thrust arg vs_thrust absorption weight vs_strike arg vs_strike absorption weight

    highest defense armor dark souls 3

    These are the arguments to modify the weights for each absorption: This is up to you and your experience as a Dark Souls 3 player. You can estimate for example that after defense you get a physical damage 3 times larger than the magic damage from a magic buffed sword, then you probably want to weight physical damage three times more than magic damage. The weight can be used to take into account how much damage you expect to take for a specific elemental damage, after the calculation of your defense stat. The set scoringĪ set is scored by its absorption values, averaged together with some user-specified weights. It also prints a number of tiers to the target weight. This program calculates all possible combinations of all armor pieces and sorts them by weight, then by an user-defined "score" based on absorption. In the original topic a number of top tier armor pieces were put together to form a top tier armor set, sorted by weight. An extesion of the idea proposed here by /u/mound_maker.

    Highest defense armor dark souls 3