Just put arch for the legs and void for the class item so you can use Perpetuation, which reduces class ability cooldown when using your class ability.

Honestly, you can have any element for the head, arms, and chest. Otherwise, you will have to pay a lot to change the element later. If you plan to use the “Charged with Light” system, then it’s important that you apply the element of each armor piece BEFORE you masterwork them. We’ll be using our class ability a lot with this build so we definitely need high mobility. Put it all together and you’ll have a high mobility Hunter with high recovery and good intellect. I believe the stats of my build can be pushed higher once I find armor pieces with higher stat rolls. If you don’t have the “Powerful Friends” mod then it may be difficult to get the stats that I have. I found my armor from grinding Iron Banner, Pinnacle gear, vendors, and now from Xur. Try to find armor that has the same stats.

If you’re looking for a good Nightstalker Hunter PvP build, you can try this one. A Good Nightstalker Hunter PvP Build in Destiny 2